Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Rocker Step

The rocker step is a quick head-and-shoulder fake you can use to set up a drive. It begins just like the jab step. Do the rocker step as follows:

1. Keep the ball in your hands at waist level or near your hips and establish proper basketball position.

2. Take a short, hard step (10 inches or less) toward the defensive man. At the same time, fake the dribble by bringing the ball down outside your knee.

3. Once you see he hasn't been fooled, pull back to your original position.

4. When your defensive man moves toward you again, drive past him, using the same jab foot (think of this as a three-count move : jab step; rock back to your original position; powerful step and strong dribble past the hip of your defensive man.

The Rocker Step, Shot Fake, And Drive

This move is an elaboration upon both the previous moves. Perform it as follows:

1. Keep the ball in your hands at waist level or near your hips and establish proper basketball position.

2. Take a short, hard step (10 inches or less) toward the defensive man. At the same time, fake the dribble by bringing the ball down outside your knee.

3. Once you see he hasn't been fooled, pull back to your original position.

4. Fake a jump shot with your arms and ball by bringing the ball up to the level of your head as you would in the first phase of the jump shot.

5. Once your defender is taken in by your fake and moves toward you to block your jump shot, make an explosive drive and go right around him.

As with all these individual moves, it's important to maintain a crouched position when you make your fakes and when you go around your defender. If you straighten up, you will lose the power and quickness which makes these moves so effective.

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